Sunday, September 28, 2008

Thing 5 - Look what I found in my Reader!!!

I've been using Google Reader for a while but, once school started back, have been routinely "dumping" the contents (i.e. marking all as read) for lack of time.

Forced to pay more attention because of this assignment, I found a real gem! Though I teach high school, what I found appeals to me as a parent very concerned about this generation of young children:

  1. not getting enough "play" time
  2. not recognizing the benefits of serving others, and
  3. not understanding potential dangers of the internet

Through a blog I follow (sometimes), Cool Cat Teacher, in which the writer, Vicki Davis of Camilla, Georgia, shares her Daily Spotlight on Education, I discovered a site called Woogi World, the aim of which is to teach young children about internet safety, life values and fun.

Follow this link to a short video that explains to teachers and parents what the site is all about!

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