Monday, December 1, 2008

Thing 17 - Podcasting

Well, I have to admit I was a bit disappointed with this one! I guess I expected a bit more from this tool. I did check out a number of different podcasts and will share my thoughts:
  • Strange History podcast on the Byzantine Empire - this one was just a little boring. The podcaster droned on, reading from notes...
  • Several student-created podcasts - these varied in quality. Some were okay, while others were of poor quality (and some were not accessible)
  • The PRI Geoquiz podcasts were pretty good - I just can't see that they would match our GPS (fun for "extra credit" though)
  • Best were the podcasted college courses! I checked out an Intro Psych course, a Nursing course and one in Juvenile Justice -- pretty cool! (I can't see many of my students getting into these, however!!!)

I do see an application for these in the classroom, but like some of the other tools much better (voicethreads, wikis, etc.).

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